"Today was just like any other day at the sandwich shop.
The same people every morning, same faces, okay, maybe just some of them literally, but they still seem interchangeable.
They want their tall coffee, their morning bagels with cream cheese, their croissants. They want their little comfort for the few minutes while they eat their breakfast.
Every morning I try really hard to explain to myself why I am still working here.
I want my little comfort too and all these people annoy me.
But I pour them some coffee and I make their sandwiches and I smile.
I smile at them but they don’t know what’s going on inside my head.
They tell me how beautiful I am, but they don’t know how empty I feel on the inside. Every morning I wish really hard for it to end, I wish for something to happen, because I have no strength to change it."
(Jenny's book of twilight)
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